Травмированные Жертвы Совершенных Преступлений


If you were a victim of a violent crime, you might apply for a government compensation. If you are hospitalized as a result of violence such as knife stabbing, gun shots, or if you sustained serious injuries as a result of crime, please call us!


In April, the Government of Ontario announced plans to transition the responsibilities covered by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) into a new one-window access system for victims seeking financial assistance.


As part of this transition, the CICB will continue to accept applications until 11:59pm on September 30, 2019. As of October 1, 2019, individuals seeking compensation for costs that result from being a victim of crime should contact the Victim Quick Response Program + (VQRP+).


As of October 1, 2019, applications for compensation, requests for review hearings or applications to vary an order for compensation can no longer be filed with the CICB. The CICB will continue to process all applications for compensation, requests for review hearings, and applications to vary an order for compensation received on or before September 30, 2019 according to its regular processes.


As of October 1, 2019, any appeals arising from applications can no longer be commenced with the Divisional Court. All appeals filed with the Divisional Court by September 30, 2019 will continue in its regular course.


The Compensation for Victims of Crime Act (CVCA) will be amended effective October 1, 2019, to include the following section:


4.1 (1) Despite anything to the contrary in this Act, on and after the day section 1 of Schedule 11 to the Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 comes into force, no person may,


(a) make an application for compensation under section 5;

(b) request a hearing and review under section 10;

(c) commence an appeal under section 23; or

(d) make an application for variation under section 25.


Victim Quick Response Program + (VQRP+) offers improved supports to help cover emergency and essential expenses, funerals and counselling costs. The program is for victims and families whose lives have been impacted by violence, including intimate partner violence, human trafficking, homicide, and hate crimes.

For more information about this please call us!

Our Process

1. Planning The Case

2. Evaluate Situation

3. File The Case To The Court

4. Gather More Information

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : 647-897-1040

info@dcprofcorp.ca Mon — Fri 09:00-17:00

Firm’s Presentation


Let us help you! Call Now : 647-897-1040

·  Mon — Fri 09:00-17:00


Основатель Компании

Denis Chubar окончил Российский Университет Дружбы Народов с двумя Красными Дипломами в Москве в 2007 году. Он получил Диплом Магистра Права и Государственного и Муниципального Управления с Отличием и Диплом переводчика с немецкого языка ( с отличием). У него также есть Диплом Паралигала ( Сенека Колледж). Он также сертифицирован в Досудебном Разрешении Судебных Исков и является членом Общества Адвокатов Онтарио с хорошей репутацией. Его стилем работы является внимание к деталям и грамотный подход к переговорам со страховой компанией или с трибуналом.

В свободное от работы время Denis путешествует и много читает.

Denis Chubar является экспертом в разрешении споров со страховыми после автомобильных аварий, Трибунале по Правам Человека и Трибунале по Травмам, полученным в результате преступлений.